Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hi there! ;)

Hey all you bloggers (and lurkers!)!!! Haven't seen y'all in a while! Let me see if I can catch y'all up a little bit on what my karazy life has been like the past little bit....

Back in July I went to PEAK in Tulsa (as you know from my previous posts) as a chaperone with our young people and had an absolute blast! If I think about it too much I start laughing all over again....Brittany and "her" Minnie, Chas embarassing the life outta Nantan at Red Robin, Kim's humble bun, Tasiah's bug that went splat into my windshield (I'm laughing already!), the boys getting into trouble for wrestling, Chas' "friend", the list just goes on and on and on and on...well, you get the point! :)

I decided just a few weeks ago to finally drag myself back to school, so I am taking one (yes, just one!) class this semester at a college close to my home. Microcomputer Applications is the class I'm taking, and class began last night. It's only once a week, which is great, but it lasts from 6PM until almost 9PM. My instructor is already showing signs of being super awesome, and the class is going to be super easy, so that's an answer to prayer right there! Now if it will only cool off outside so we're not soaked with sweat by the time we get to class....fall come quickly!

What else? Oh yeah! The Saturday before PEAK I rear-ended a guy on the freeway.,.did I tell y'all about that yet? Yeah, it stinks. I had no choice but to hit him, there was a bunch of traffic, and I had no room to swerve when he slammed on his brakes. Thankfully he didn't claim it on my insurance (he had an old beat up FORD truck! Thank you JESUS!!!) so my insurance shouldn't go up, but my car is so sad looking! I'm going to have to get a WHOLE NEW FRONT BUMPER. Yes, the one that I just got fixed a couple months ago. Ugh. Oh well, such is life, huh?!

Well, I'd better run! Hope this posts finds y'all doing fabulous! Take care now, ya hear?!

H Brooke


Amanda Crane said...

I just love you blogs!!! You have such a way of giving details and painting a picture in the mind of the reader!!!

H Brooke said...
