Monday, October 12, 2009

Gasp! Something new?! Wow!

So I finally decided to update you all! Whew, it's been crazy around the Litke household this last little while! I think I've made 4 (or is it 5?) trips to OK to see my family in the last month or so!

Working for Pastor on the side still, and the church. Love it, love it, love it!
I'm halfway through taking a Computer Applications class at a community college close by, already know most everything we're talking about, so that makes it a breeze! It's a good thing, because I am finding very little time to read the book, much less study for anything! :)

My regular job is still going strong. We have had to lay off a few people, but my job looks pretty steady, thank God for that! I trust Him to supply all of my needs and He does, and then a whole lot more on top of that!

Mom is doing radiation for a spot they found on her brain....extremely long story involved there, won't go into it! If your close to me at all anyways, you would know the whole story...

Let's see, what else can I throw into this terribly random post????? OH! I'm FINALLY going to get my car fixed! Yay! Hopefully the front AND back bumper at the same time, we'll just have to see how it goes.....super excited about that!

Aaaaaaaaand, I joined the choir again as of last week! So excited about what Brother Stephen Rivers is doing with the choir - can't wait to get back into the groove of being a choir member again! God's going to do great things through the choir as we lead the church in worship into the Holy of Holies! Speaking of which, church at CACFW has been fantastic! For the months of October and November, Pastor is teaching a Family Life Class on Tuesday nights. We've only actually had one class so far, but it's going to be great! Can't wait to learn more from God's Word about the family!

I know I've mentioned this already, but my mom is going through radiation right now because of a spot they have found on her brain. Please pray for her strength, the doctors say that radiation will make you extremely fatigued. I know the Lord can and will keep her through....if we just trust and believe! Thanks to everyone who is praying for her and for us! Love y'all bunches!

H Brooke


Whitney Ward said...

That's exciting about your car!!!! =) I'll be praying for your mom... Love you!!!

The Bundys said...

Hey Lady:) I think it's about time you update this thing:)

And thank you much for bringing Chas down with you! I had fun on Saturday and hope you did too! Can't wait to see you soon:)

- Brittany C.

H Brooke said...

Ya think?! ;) You are welcome, I'm glad y'all enjoyed yourselves! I had a good time also!!! See you in a couple of days! :)

Alyssa said...

Hey!=) Your blog has been nominated for Kreativ Blogger Award! Check out my site for the steps to follow to complete the process!=)
